Swami Shri Timir Baran

This site is dedicated to Swami Shri Timir Baran known to his disciples as Swamiji.

This site is under construction and can not be completed without the help of his monastic desciples - nuns and monks - as well as lay devotees.

Most of the discourses of Swami Sri Timir Baran - christened as The Scripture - that are available for reading have been recorded by Swami Sri Anubhav Krishna which he has compiled and have all gone into print. This site attains its fullness with his generous permission to put the recorded discourses on this site.

Then there are the discourses as recorded from time to time by other disciples of Swami Shri Timir Baran - both Monastics as well as the laity.

In addition to the discourses of Swamiji, there are his photographs in black & white as well as in colour. 

We also intend to have a page for some his letters; this page is supposed to be updated from time to time.

We think that Swamiji was an excellent painter although not a trained one. His sketches & paintings came of his hands very spontaneously - sometimes depicting an object like flowers or Deity's form whereas at times those used to be abstract. We have also tried to display some of his paintings.

We also have his three Satsangas in sound files. 

Sahasradhara: This is a space of Swamiji's disciples' writings. We think that a disciple usually reflects his master's thoughts; hence in addition to the treasure associated with Swamiji, we also deem it proper and necessary to put on record some of the creative writings or books or paintings of some of the disciples of Swamiji.  These books are by Antaranga Krishna (a topic-wise compilation of Swamiji's discourses), Atma Krishna (a valuable book on Narmada Parikrama in Gujarati & Hindi, as also a translation etc) & Anubhav Krishna (a translation in hindi).  This space also contains Swamiji's discourses as recorded by his lay devotee the late Bipin Joshi of Vadodara as well as some of the paintings of Radha Krishna & Antaranga Krishna.

The site is maintained by Satya Krishna (Himanshu); kindly draw his attention to the oversight or a suggestion, if any, and oblige. 

His email: brahma.satya@gmail.com

One can also write to swamitimirbaran@gmail.com

Swami Anubhav Krishna can be approached on anubhavkrishna@gmail.com .